Human Restoration Project is a grassroots organization that is actionized by young people, educators, families, community members, and experts. We are incredibly appreciative of volunteers who can assist us in our collective mission and vision to humanize education and build just classrooms across the world.
HRP features four categories of volunteer work, almost all of which is “drop in” — whenever you have the time and energy to assist our organization, you can do so. Namely, we need assistance with:
Within the HRP Ops Center, you’ll find instructions for completing any of these tasks. We’re also open to other forms of volunteering! If we’re missing something or you have a specialized skill, such as pro bono legal work, please contact us.
We are incredibly thankful for your contributions to our organization. Ultimately, HRP doesn’t exist without its supporters. We are truly a grassroots organization with a limited staff powered by its constituents. In return for your work with HRP, we can offer:
All work created at Human Restoration Project is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This means that all works can be utilized and remixed in any way as long as it is attributed to us and non-commercial. In the event a volunteer creates artwork, infographics, or other media, this ownership is shared between HRP and the creator. This means that proper attribution includes HRP and the creator. We will not sell or distribute your creations in anyway with prior approval.
Further, we are committed to the concept of paying people for their work, even through volunteering. Although volunteering is inherently pro-social work that “feels good to give back”, we recognize that additional labor for many, especially educators who are stretched thin, is no small task. We are actively exploring grant funding for optional, small-stipend labor contracts to engage and promote this work.
We are actively seeking an “all hands on deck” approach to this work. Even if you can only commit an hour a month, we need your help! Even small tasks add up to a massive amount of assistance in our operations. You do not need to be connected to the world of education to contribute to HRP. We want to partner with anyone who is connected to our core values and wants to make a difference. That said, we must protect the integrity of our organization and will moderate volunteer work to ensure our message is being properly communicated and represented.